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Philippines Tourist Guide

Welcome to the Philippines!

Philippines Travel Guide

The Philippines is a unique country in Southeast Asia. It is the beach paradise. With more than 7000 islands, there are them for all tastes, from lonely stretches of sand to prosperous islands such as Luzon or Mindanao. If tourists want to sunbathe and go scuba diving, they should go to the Visayas, where there is a wide variety of perfect beaches. The Philippines is synonymous with emerald-green rice fields, with huge cities, burning volcanoes, bulging-eyed tarsi, water buffalo and smiling people. It is important to mention that in this city, there are not only isolated beaches, but also kayaking and kitesurfing. In fact, it is a paradise for adrenaline lovers. While the surfers enjoy some succulent waves, the submariners fall exhausted before the charms of the country.

Fluvial activities include rafting and wakeboarding. On the mainland, excursions can be made everywhere and climbing is becoming increasingly popular. In addition, the Philippines is the world capital of the zip line. It is important to mention that the Philippines has three seasons: The dry hot season that is from March to May, the rainy season is from June to November and the dry temperate season is from December to February. Temperatures range between 21º and 32º, depending on the season. The coldest month is January and the warmest month is in the month of May. It is important to note that in order to enter the city of the Philippines it is important to take into account the placement of vaccines since they are mandatory, among them are Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, tetanus and diphtheria. It is advisable to visit the international vaccination center of your city before your trip.

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Then we mention some tourist guides on the places where you can visit and enjoy this beautiful paradise called the Philippines. The Philippines is divided into 3 regions: Luzon (where the capital is located, Manila), Las Visayas (whose capital is Cebu) and Mindanao (with Davao as the most important city). The Philippines offers many tourist activities, among them are, resting on secluded and paradisiacal beaches, getting to know its wildest jungles or, if we are looking for a party at any time of the day, we can head to Boracay to get out of gear.

It is important to mention that in the Philippines there are major destinations where you can visit, such as: The Island of Palawan. Among the island, we can mention that there is the capital of Puerto Princesa, they do not have beaches, but it is a very important port. In this port, you are allowed to spend the day visiting the islands to the east. Next, we have the Underground River. It is the longest underground river in the world with 8.2km. It is one of the world’s seven wonders. If you enter the caves of the river, you will be surprised by the infinity of stalactites that have been forming that is truly amazing.

It also has a coastal town called El Nido northwest of Palawan. One of the best places in the country for lovers of diving and for tourists who visit this place. Among the main destinations, we also have Coron Island. Ideal for people who are fond of diving, divers enjoy countless species of fish and different corals, and can even see the famous whale shark. We have in turn the Island of Bohol, it is very famous for the Chocolate Hills and the smallest primates in the world, the island is located in the Central Visayas. Among this island we can also find that the Tagbilaran City Capital of Bohol is part of its destination, it is a charm with very cheap prices.

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Chocolate Hills, is the heart of the island, there are the Chocolate Hills, 1,200 hills in the valley with a dark brown color. Loboc, is the ideal place to see the world’s smallest primate, the Tarsier. An animal about 15cm tall. Panglao Island, is an island south of Bohol, it is a pretty tourist place, with very cheap prices. They have the best beach Alona Beach. Isla de Cebu is the most important economic and industrial center of the Philippines. The island of Zebu is made up of a port, international airport and attractive beaches with tourist centers, the city in general, is for many Filipinos and foreigners a perfect place for their investments. Cebu City. There we can find the cross of Magellan, in the old part of the city. The Fort of San Pedro, which was built to defend against Muslim and European attacks.

It is also recommended Calle Colón, a large market where you will find everything you can not imagine. Isla de Mactan, is linked to Cebu by two bridges. It is where the Cebu International Airport is located. It is an island with many tourist offers, such as, Diving, water sports, beaches, etc. Moalboal is one of the best places to dive in the Philippines, it is a very economical island and it is 3 hours south of Cebu. Boracay, is the most tourist area, have a number of offers in accommodation, restaurants, massages, water sports, all around beaches with crystal clear waters and white sands. One of them, the White Beach.

Mindoro Island: located just south of Manila, the Mindoro, Mindoro Oriental and Western Mindoro Mountains divide Mindoro Island into two parts.

Puerto Galera: located in the northern part of the island. In turn, their prices are very cheap for backpackers. At White Beach, about 6km west of Puerto Galera, you will find accommodations, restaurants, karaoke, diving offers, etc. Sabang: it is a village 6km to the east from Puerto Galera. The beach is not very good, but offers a lot of nightlife.

Luzon: Apart from the capital (Manila), its famous terraces of rice, Banaue, Batad, Bontoc and Sagada stand out, Banaue has a lot of hotel offer, It has nice terraces but not very big. mIt offers a viewpoint to see the terraces from other perspectives; it is worth visiting as it has the best terraces in the area. Manila is an authentic chaos, with more than 15 million inhabitants.

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